1/6/20 Update
Tess Owen, a Vice reporter, has also identified Travis Frey as a white supremacist and private prison guard captain at the Nevada Southern Detention Center, which is run by mega-corporation CoreCivic. CoreCivic is contracted with ICE.
From Owen’s article: “The Nevada Southern Detention Center, where Frey has worked since at least 2018, according to a now-deleted LinkedIn page, is located in Pahrump, 62 miles west of Las Vegas, and is contracted with ICE and U.S. Marshals. The facility has an average daily population of 189, and according to a Marshall Project investigation from last year, violent federal inmates are housed among ICE immigrant detainees. CoreCivic is one of the biggest private corrections companies in the country.” Her full article is here: ICE Detention Center Captain Was on a Neo-Nazi Website and Wanted to Start a White Nationalist Group.
This article has also been updated with information about CoreCivic and its practices along with clarification that Travis Frey resides in Nevada, not Indiana, as previously stated.
Travis Frey: CoreCivic Chief of Security and Iron March Fascist
The Background
Thanks to an anonymous online leak of data and materials from influential Neo-Nazi website Iron March where the white supremacist terror groups Attomwaffen Division, Vanguard America, and National Action formed, we were gifted with a trove of identifying information about Iron March. The released information includes a full copy of the Iron March content, ie: usernames, user’s posts and links, along with sensitive details such as the email and IP addresses used to register usernames, plus private messages. All of that data, including the information shared in the private messages which include personal details are the framework with which we use to identify users.
From that pool of information, we looked at the email address used to create the forum profile, cross referenced it with other platforms’ unique usernames, and used the IP address location
from when the user first logged in to pinpoint a location, along with any snippets of information shared in public posts and private messages. Across the world, researchers continue the work to identify hundreds of organized Neo-Nazis seeking to operate on a global scale. The raw data from the Iron March forum is available for download and Jewish Worker has kindly simplified the process by creating an easy-to-use online platform to navigate the large database of leaked information. You may navigate to the searchable and more accessible website here.
Who is Travis Frey?
Iron March user “In Hoc Signo Vinces” has been identified as none other than Travis Frey, a correctional officer and now Chief of Security at CoreCivic who previously resided in Indianapolis, Indiana. CoreCivic is a private prison company. CoreCivic itself being a rebrand of the Corrections Corporation of America, the latter received heavy criticism after light was shed into its terrible practices. According to a 2016 Mother Jones exposé, CCA (now CoreCivic) housed more than 66,000 prisoners, making it the country’s second-largest private prison company. In 2015, it reported $1.9 billion in revenue and made more than $221 million in net income—more than $3,300 for each person incarcerated.

Travis Frey, of Indianapolis.
As stated in the update, per Tess Owen’s reporting, “The Nevada Southern Detention Center, where Frey has worked since at least 2018, according to a now-deleted LinkedIn page, is located in Pahrump, 62 miles west of Las Vegas, and is contracted with ICE and U.S. Marshals.”
Travis spent the better part of four years on Iron March. His username is a Latin phrase which means: “In this sign thou shalt conquer,” which is undoubtably a nod to his background as a marine, as the Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 533 uses the phrase in their insignia.
On the fascism forums, Travis expressed his interest in joining the Traditionalist Worker Party, a Neo-Nazi group founded by infamous Nazi Matthew Heimbach, who was later arrested for battery after he had an affair with the wife of top spokesman of the Traditionalist Worker Party, Matthew Parrot. His wife was also Matthew Heimbach’s stepmother. In 2017, the user In Hoc Signo Vinces also tells us that he is residing in Indiana and lists a phone number tied to him.

From the Jewish Worker’s Iron March Exposed website: https://www.ironmarch.exposed/message/24777#msg-24777
The Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) made a presence in the deadly Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, and hosted multiple hate rallies on their own[1,2]. Before these rallies, however, TWP and its founder Matthew Heimbach organized under the name Traditionalist Youth Network, and had been tracked as far back as 2013[1]. There is no plausible deniability for Travis. He knew that he was joining a fascist group. His ideology, listed on his profile for user In Hoc Signo Vinces even lists him as a fascist. Do note the other data that Travis included when he created his In Hoc Signo Vinces profile on a known Neo-Nazi forum including his email address and his location.
From the Jewish Worker Iron March exposed website, In Hoc Signo Vinces user profile: Travis believes in conspiracy theories of global domination and likes to use the language of dehumanization as he expresses his genocidal urges on Iron March, like in this post:

Taken from https://www.ironmarch.exposed/post/27872
His reference to rats is no coincidence. His use of rats in particular that “need to be purged” has a long history in Nazi propaganda, going all the way back to anti-semitic cartoons in the Nazi tabloid Der Stürmer and other Nazi propaganda platforms (content warning for these links) [1,2].
The Trace
The email he used to register for Iron March is “tfrey1225@gmail.com” and, using publicly available search engines, was found to be associated with a Travis Frey, alum of Centennial School District 12 in Minnesota, where his e-mail and name is listed as a contact person for the Class of 2006 [source, archive].

from https://www.ironmarch.exposed/message/24801#msg-24801
In Hoc Signo Vinces messages with another Neo-Nazi saying that in June of 2017 that he is 29 years old, has an eldest daughter, and another child on the way. That means that in 2006 In Hoc Signo Vinces was 18 years old, which also matches up with Travis Frey’s high school graduation class of 2006.
Further research into the unique username tfrey1225, culled from the email Travis used to register for Iron March, reveals over a decade of forum posts linking him to Mormonism[source], his participation in the hate group Asatru Folk Assembly [source], and admitting that he is a correctional officer [source,archive].
Travis is listed as the Chief of Security at the Marion County Jail II in official CoreCivic documentation[source].
One of the IP addresses linked to In Hoc Signo Vinces is in Tucker, Georgia.

from https://www.ironmarch.exposed/user/6208
According to Travis Frey’s LinkedIn [source, archive], Travis was a Lieutenant in Gainesville, Georgia from 2010-2014, which is a 45 minute drive from Tucker, Georgia, and corresponds with the 2013 start of Travis’ start on Iron March. Travis mentions that he moved to Indiana from California on Iron March[source]:
The information he stated in the forum is corroborated by his LinkedIn employment history, which lists him as working in the Greater San Diego area until January of 2017:

We found his LinkedIn account by searching the email address he used to register for Iron March
Given all the personal information user In Hoc Signo Vinces freely provides in the forum like his phone number, information about his multiple locations, his family background plus the email address he used to register and its direct connection to his LinkedIn account, there is no doubt that Travis Frey is “In Hoc Signo Vinces,” a member of the Iron March Neo-Nazi forum, a virulent fascist, and possible Traditional Worker Party member.
There is a reason, after all, that antifascists often exclaim “Cops and Klan go hand in hand.” Travis being the Chief of Security for a private prison company and a fascist operating in Neo-Nazi circles online comes to surprise no one who has been paying attention the last couple of years.
Let CoreCivic know that they’re employing Travis Frey, a known fascist organizer and ask them if there’s any violation of their company’s mission, which laughably states “CoreCivic is committed to providing high quality, compassionate treatment to all those in our care.” Can an active Neo-Nazi provide that? Here’s how to reach Core Civic to find out:
- 615-263-3000 (use *67)
- 1-800-624-2931 (use *67)
- https://www.facebook.com/CoreCivic/
- https://www.twitter.com/CoreCivic
- http://www.corecivic.com/contact-us
If you have any information about the fascist in this article, other fascists on Iron March or other fascists in general, including additional tips, please send them to panicinthediscord@riseup.net or DM them to @discord__panic on Twitter.